shows are divided into benched and un-benched events
involving one or more breeds, groups, and classes of purebred dogs. At
benched shows, prior to and after judging, the dogs, except puppies, are
displayed to the public on benches or platforms set up in individual
stalls. At un-benched shows the dogs are exhibited in judging rings and
around the grounds of the event. In all dog shows, the breeds are
divided into seven groups—sporting, hound, working, herding, terrier,
toy, and non-sporting. The regular classes within each breed are puppy,
novice, bred by exhibitor, American bred, and open.
The standards for judging
the entries differ with each breed. Typical criteria include shape of
head, placement of ears, color, gait, and texture of coat. Dogs entered
in a particular class are taken into the judging ring by their owners or
handlers. After the dogs have been gaited, or walked at different
speeds, and examined by the judge, they are placed in classes. The dogs
placed first in each of the classes compete for winners, who
receive points toward their championship based on the number of dogs in
their particular breed that have been in competition at the show. To
become an official A.K.C. show champion, a dog must accumulate 15
championship points under at least three different judges, and these
points must include two major wins, meaning 3-, 4-, or 5-point
wins. Dogs that attain their championships are entitled to have the
abbreviation "Ch." carried before their name.
Following the judging of the winners
classes, dogs that already have won their championship compete, along
with the winners for best of breed and best of opposite sex. Each best
of breed competes in its respective group, and the dog placed first in
each of the seven groups competes for the award "best in
show," which is the final judging at any all-breed dog show.